Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Do you think you are FIT?

I admit that I ain't fit but I would like to share this Fitness test with all yo'. This following fitness tests reveal your cardiac respiratory function, flexibility, stamina and so on. FYI this article is derived from http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2008/oct/07/fitness.healthandwellbeing.
From couch potato to gym freaks, Come on, dont be shy! I challenge u to take this test and Viva la Fitte !!

1 Aerobic fitness three-minute step test

You need a watch and a step, 20-25cm high. Keeping a straight back and your stomach tucked in, begin stepping on and off, alternating your feet. Maintain a steady pace for three minutes (perhaps two if you are not sure of your fitness or are over 50), aiming to take around 40 steps per minute. Try to keep a steady four-beat cycle - it's easier if you say, "Up, up, down, down". Rest for 30 seconds, then take your pulse for 15 seconds (place your index and middle fingers together on the opposite wrist's underside). Multiply it by four to get your pulse rate per minute. "The average resting heart rate for a man is about 70 beats per minute, and for a woman 75 beats," says Wood. "As you get fitter, your resting heart rate should decrease."

2 Thirty-second chair stand

Sit in a chair (with a seat height of approximately 40cm) with your feet flat on floor. Cross arms over chest. Count the number of times you can come to a full stand in 30 seconds. This indicates lower body strength.

Women Men

Good 17+ 19+

Average 12-17 13-19

Poor >12 >13

The above are indicators for 40- to 50-year-olds. For those aged 20-40, add three to each score. For those aged 50-60, take three off each score, while for those aged 60-plus take five off.

3 Lower-body flexibility

This tests how flexible you are in your hamstring muscles and lower back. Healthier people have better flexibility, resulting in less back pain and fewer strain injuries. Remove your shoes and sit on the floor with your bottom and back against a wall. Keep your legs together and extended in front of you, with the backs of your knees touching the ground. Keeping your chest lifted, slowly reach forward with both hands towards your toes without straining your neck.

Excellent Your ankles or beyond

Good Shins

Average Knees

Poor Thighs

4 Body-fat distribution
(Waist measurement/waist-to-hip ratio)

Use a tape measure to assess waist circumference, measuring around the biggest part, which is usually at belly-button level. This indicates your risk of obesity, which increases the chance of developing illnesses such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, having a stroke and respiratory problems.

Women Men

Very high risk 110-plus cm 120-plus cm

High 90-109cm 100-120cm

Low risk 70-89cm 80-99cm

Very low < 70cm < 80cm

Body-fat distribution is a health indicator as fat stored around the waist poses a greater coronary disease risk than fat stored elsewhere. To reveal your waist-to-hip ratio, measure the waist at its narrowest point, then measure the hips at the widest point. Divide waist measurement by hip measurement. So a woman with a 76cm waist and 106cm hips would do the following calculation: 76 divided by 106 equals 0.72. Women with waist-to-hip ratios of more than 0.8 or men with waist-to-hip ratios of more than 1 are at increased health risk because of their fat distribution.

5 Sit-ups to reveal abdominal strength

This is an indication of abdominal strength and endurance, which is important for core stability and back support. Lie on a carpeted floor with your knees bent at approximately right angles, with feet flat on the ground. Your hands should be resting on your thighs. Squeeze your stomach, push your back flat and raise high enough for your hands to slide along your thighs to touch the tops of your knees. Don't pull with your neck or head and keep your lower back on the floor. Then return to the starting position. Count how many you can do in one minute and then check the chart for your rating.

6 Skipping skill test

This will show your stamina level. Using a regular skipping rope, try to skip for five minutes (allowing for stops if you get tangled in the rope). How many minutes do you manage?

Excellent 5 minutes

Good 3-4 minutes

Average 2 minutes

Below average 1 minute

Poor less than a minute

7 Walk a mile

Walk for a mile and time it. Try the walk and talk test - if you can walk and talk at the same time, it's likely that you're exercising within your limits.

Good 15 minutes

Average 15-20 minutes

Poor 20+

8 Reaction test

This web-based test allows you to time your reactions. Having quick reactions can help to avoid accidents and improve many sporting performances. Take the reaction test at: www.topendsports.com/testing/reactiontest.htm

9 Upper-body strength

"To measure upper-body strength, count how many press-ups you can do in 60 seconds," says Wood. "Do as many as you can, ensuring your chest touches the floor each time before you push back up. Don't let your back arch." Women with slighter strength can lower their body until their chest is 30-35cm off the floor, or using a kneeling position.

Excellent 25+ Average 10-14

Good 15-24 Poor <10

10 Agility

This indicates how well you can change direction at speed - useful in sports such as football and rugby. It's also a guide to your balance levels, again useful for performing well in many sports. Both are strong pointers to good general health. Stick two 40cm lengths of tape on the floor, parallel and about 40cm apart. Stand with your right foot on one marker and your left foot off the ground. Hop from line to line on your right foot as many times as possible in 15 seconds. It does not count if you miss the marker. Repeat on left foot. Add scores and divide by two for the average.

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