Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Every time when I set up a goal, the result is that it would drift further and further apart beyond my conscience.

I told myself to be disciplined, and stick to the simple chores. At least tidy up the bed after waking up. It worked on the 1st week. But failed there after.

I told myself to do push-up and sit-up 30times each. It worked on the 1st 3 days. Felt rejuvenated.

4th day, 10 times each. 5th day only 5 times push-up. Failed soon after.

I told myself to do pre and post reading for the lecture. In fact I still cramming before the test.

I told myself to finish my essay and assignment at least a day before the due date. In my dreams. I just finished editing my report at 2.05pm today which due at 2pm.

The hard cold facts lie in front of me. I am a LAZY BUM!

I really need motivation but the I have nothing more to give myself but this

Suck it up bro. Go hard. Play hard.

1 comment:

pinkrollingstone said...

Lol. I feel like this heaps at times. but it's really about the decision to pick up the pen way before and hacking at the damn assignment till there's no more left of it. Write rubbish, what ever! cuz when you've put everything on your brain onto a spreadsheet, the editing becomes easier - May we dreamy water signs be injected with more earth sign downtoearth energy! RAHHHHHHHAHAHAHHAA~ Lets get it done! :D