Sunday, May 18, 2008


I was freak'n laughing and mocking at those who recieve the flu jab as the Losers the other day... guess I'm just making a real fool of myself.

See Who's the Loser Big Time now?

Sinus problem is so messy and this has forced me to breath via mouth and made me thirsty all the time.

Currently hugging a toilet roll to bed. How gay.

It all started with a little sorethroat where i think the source is Quite apparent *Wink* Wink*

hey how can i resist myself from sm0_ching u hehehehe

hmm. should i skip lecture tmr??

aiyah, flu virus go away la


pinkrollingstone said...

Yeap. I was sick for a week. It's still on. Whoever I smooched got sick too. so... Not something you wanna share so generously :P

Make sure no flip flops during winter as it harms your tummy, decrease your flu fighting abilities~

Heaps of sleep and warm drinks does it for me :D

Get well LEZ!

pinkrollingstone said...

Lol. gosh. Maybe give yourself a week. I'm one week out and now just started to feel better.

Aparently having a good sweat from exercising helps. Althought that might be the last thing on sick people's (don't mind the pun :D) mind... Second, just let all your stress go! cuz that sabotages the immune system too! :/

Get well soon man!

pinkrollingstone said...

Oh! I remember now!

Listen to Ajahn Brahm's meditation recordings! and at the part where you have to focus on your body, focus on any pains and discomforts, imagining u directing your immunity there (sounds dumb, but I reckon it's a way of directing your body's attention to any parts that you want it to repair - sometimes its too busy focusing on other stuff, it has no proper attention to fend intruders off). I was feeling quite horrible in the morning. Think it took me 2 hours of med to feel better! But patience does get us somewhere- you can do it lying down too (without the pillow and make sure you are lying flat on your back with nothing else 'obstructing' your limbs or anything so you can totally relax).

Get well soon friend!