Sunday, April 13, 2008

Age of Turmoil

Intro of Crisis
Happiness and Indulgence, to us this generation seem more like a faraway dream than a reality. For the past teen life, I've been living under the "taking-for-granted" trashy life. But now, I find that the world is changing, evolving so rapidly than i could hardly ever keep up with. Everyday when you turn on the radio, watch the TV news, a flip through the national Newspaper, you will found yourself living in an Age of Turmoil.

Failure to Open
As a science student for the past 8 years, I am deeply regret for being insensitive to the world around us. Being ignorant and indifferent to the world development and trend doesn't mean that they are totally excluded from our life. Though i must admit its often hard to step out of our comfort zone and opening our door of willingness, we must understand that the World is not revolving around us. Seriously, this central idea had been with me for so looong that i think its time to ditch it and to equip myself with better and Useful ideas.

I hope through my blog and with my poor command of english I still can make a difference to the world, by rasing the concerns and current issues among our generation.

Global Food Crisis
In east people eat rice. In west people eat cereal. According to the study of FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisations) all the price of staple foods including rice, maize, soyabean, bread, milk , and oil has increased sharply in recent months . FAO indicates that price of Rice and Wheat has doubled compare to March last year, whereas the cereal bill in food deficit regions of Africa is projected to increase by 74 percent. This figures are taken from this article " Soaring cereal Price"

Fonterra-World Biggest Dairy Milk Exporter
In New Zealand, slow strategies by the government to tackle the tsunami food crisis have upset the nations. Being an agricultural country, once boasted that the sheeps in Nz is so abundant that one person can take up 3 sheeps. Despite this silly statement, Fonterra, the world largest dairy export company has made our news headline not long ago. It is expected that the Fonterra is going to make the biggest payout to the farmers of NZ for $ 7.30 per Kilo of milk from $ 4'ish per Kilo. The increase in payout should have amended earlier as NZ, Australia farmers are suffering from drought these recent months. If you understand the principle of Supply and Demand you will understand almost all the viscious cycle and where our position, as the End Consumers lied in the chain. It was reported that because of constant drought, farmers in NZ are forced to buy extra feed for cattle to graze that often involve in transport expense. Hence its not surprised that the milk solid production has plummetted by 80 million kilogrammes in the past 3 months which is equivalent to NZ dollar $56 million of loss. Visit the taken material from this article "Drought takes shine off record payouts"

Therefore my heart aches recently when I saw an Ad from a Hongkong magazine "Next Magazine" regarding a spa promotion, in which a chick was bathing with Milk.

NZ Dampen Economy
New Zealand's situation is not good either. U.S.A is undergoing recession and the damage to NZ's economy is considerably huge. With the softening of real estate, the persistence of interest rate,
growing fuel price have impact the nations in every possible ways. Its always been a tradition for kiwi families to get out of city and relax in the country bach during weekends and holidays. With living quality deterioting, cost-effectiveness has become the key to survive. Some even have traded in their V6 Holden, Ford to a smaller 1.3L hatchback cars.

NZ Food Crisis Strategy
Sue Kedgely, NZ Green party spokes person revealed: "The assumption is that there will always be enough food in New Zealand. But the reality is that we import about half the food we eat, and our reliance on imports is growing by the year.
"We rely on imports for many of the basic staples that make bread, pasta, rice and other staple foods. We don't want to find ourselves a few years down the track, with rationing of basic foods and queues such as is already happening in other countries, because our government didn't make the necessary preparations."

Food Riot
Its a wake up call that we should not waste our food, our resources, and our time. Today I was Shocked to see these two words were put together "Food Riot". This word is the least i could expect to happen in the countries that we love and certainly we do not want our love ones to experience and embroil in this turmoil! An extreme case of violence and riot looted in Haiti, an impoverished nation where the people deeply dependent on imported food. The failure of the government to lower the food subsidies and the promise to increase food production has caused a broke out of a week of hunger protest, and the president being ousted today. "Haiti Aid workers fear widening hunger"

Demonstrater eat grass in front of Brazillian UN peacekeepers during Haiti Riot.

Shit. The more I digged into the details of the articles the more depressed I am. Optimistic is going to be a rare word to come across with definitely.

Dim Light in the End of Tunnel

Sustainable energy is always been a hot topic since the hike of global fuel price. Today i come across with this NZ local, growing, innovative company (OFFSET THE REST) which offers solution and consultation to sustainable energy. Its not only parallel with the NZ clean green image but also have a very elegant yet practical Mission statement in which their aim is to slow the global warming (instead of saying "abolish", "eradicate" which to me is not only foolish but unpractical). If taking care of our environment is your passion then you might find this Wonderful : "Living Carbon Neutral"

I predict that the world trend will focus on sustaining and conserve the resource and energy in the near future as Seriously, We are currently I.D.S ( In Deep Shit). To save the world, all we can do is making better judgements and making less personal errants.

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