Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Today when i opened my yahoo mail i was stunned.

This is what I saw and to my amazement i clicked the image and was appalled to see the sentence

Im sorry, this service is not provided in your area, please be waited to be redirected..

Im Pissed and got cheated again from spam..

If the voucher were real I wouldnt be worry about food during this study/exam season!!

Food Glorious Food!!


Unknown said...

Ko KO!!! Always think of food, later turn into pig ar!! I wonder if one day there's no need for humen beings to consume food, esp MEAT(can do some kind of injection then u'll be full and yet healthy), will u still survive??haha..

P/s: i know y not many ppl write comment here in ur blog le ko...coz not everyone can write it, only ppl who has a blog or Google address can do so....

pinkrollingstone said...

Lol. great idea YeeNing~~* I'll wait for the injection thing to come by* ;)