Tuesday, October 9, 2007


My mood was kinda low these days as exam is approaching. THe tragic news of All Blacks loss is also another huge blow to my morale which is already close to inexistence...

Yesterday i was studying neuroscience textbook and saw this lil interesting column about mental illness. Then i read these: Depression is a view of the world via the Dark window ; Mania on the other hand is a view via the kaleidoscope--- Brilliant but Fracture.

So what is the disease that with a symptom of alterations of both Depression and Mania ??
Ans: Bipolar disease.

Gladly im not under these class... but when i read further on the depression section, i found that the symptoms match with me... a bit.. with things like feeling low self esteem, ( yeah a bit)
having social withdrawn (definitely when im stressed), less appetite ( err... not really...), frustration and anxiety ( man... 3 out of 4 what does it mean???)

Oh well.. who cares.. ..
I read google news that All Blacks are coming Bak today and i really wish i could give them a pat on their back that theyve done well enough.. and dont be too hard themselves. And i read the news about the incompetent referee received a death threat after the match, and Man that really makes my day... The moment AB's dream shattered ive sworn to torture the referee til he admit his uncalled-french-forward-pass if ive chance..

Oh my god... Mania symptoms these times...
clearly.. im having bipolar disorder...


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