Sunday, September 23, 2007

Awaiting the little angel

I was kidding with my Second sis Catherine that we'd better cherish the night of peacefulness and tranquility before the blizzard storm ahead...

Yeah, Mum is coming very soon, in 2 weeks time. Elder sis Doris is heavily pregnant and was predicted labour due roughly mid or late october. Exams are around the corner, like AROUND THE SAME TIME AS THE ARRIVAL OF THE.... angel..

To make things more interesting, the Lord has arranged a tight schedule for me, as i recently being told by my mum that my Aunt will come to stay with us during the 'war' period....
hahaha... i was again being advised by my mum to move out to elsewhere in order to accomodate my aunt.. GRRRRRR..... i spontaneously showed my Tiger teeth to oppose the suggestion (as all my txtbooks are heavy) but it instantly fade away as i remembered that my Mum's cooking knife is WAY sharper than the Woverine's knuckle spear....

I went through the stage of panicking, and now im embracing the stage of Let-It-Be..., who knows what other stages i will be going through prior to the delivery of the LIL... angel...
WHenever im angry, im unsatisfied, i will remind myself that i have to set a good example in front of my Nephew-to-be. Realising that after all the difficult situations that everyone faced in order to welcome our future new member, i will think its actually Worth it. Indeed, Certainly, By all means, I must set a good example, in front of the lil-boy-to-be.

I decided to call my future nephew Little Leong, (LL, same as Leslie Lee ma hahah) and in mandarine 小梁. I will make sure the lil devil wont turn into Ang Moh and hopefully will not embrace bad Ang Moh culture! No Binge Drinking, No Taking party Pills, Cannot Hiao Blondies ( only Chinese Brunnette) , No Piercing, No Tattoing, Cannot embrace Emo Culture, Cannot speak English at home, Cannot Lock the door..................
Geez ive been going a bit too far aye...

Catherine and I was hoping that in future we could bring Little Leong to the chinese Takeaway and order the number '33' with thick NZ accent hahahaa....
And also, i will be anticipating him to say this line : " WHy was i born in an Asian Family? I want to BE an ANG MOH! "
Dont worry, ive figured ways to encounter his action. Till then, i will bash his lil head with Kiwifruits and will let him know how great our chinese culture is, i will educate him to talk with a respectful BRUCE LEE manner ( AAAAWWW.... EEEEEE.....AAAAA...) , teach him how to eat Durian the King of Fruits (in order to appreciate the unique and Un-PUt-Down-able satisfaction) and also run some Phua Chu Kang episodes (To learn 'proper' english)

again and again, LL's uncle has been thinking too far...
anyway, I will just hold my teeth together and get myself in one piece after the 'Commotion'
Wish me luck.
and i wish you all the best too.


1 comment:

pinkrollingstone said...

man. can't believe you are so strict to your nephew to be! I'm already scared for him! definitely don't do that because he'll become a rebelious young man! (nature of humans) lol. you only wanna tell him that something is bad if you have a valid reason to back it up x)

you really have to move out? can't sleep on the coach meh??? can move to unilodge. easier to study at uni** hehe. but I heard thieves will bugglar your room if you left it unlocked. hehe*