Friday, January 4, 2008

A guy's nightmare

This is the most humiliated and unforgiving experiences I hope I would never come across starting from the moment I took my big breathe before spilling my keyboard with the Boiling blood of anger…..

To all my fellow readers, friends and pals, families and relatives, thank you for your constant support but please,
I say Please, Do excuse me for expressing my tsunami emotion…

I’m now on summer vacation in Kuching and I dedicate most of my time helping my dad to manage his business. Just a moment ago I rang my girlfriend who is still in Auckland to greet her. She told me that after she did her weekly grocery shopping, a Polish guy came and flirted with her. Not only did he try to ask her out, but also try to ask her to move in together.

I was jaw dropped and at that point I was loosing my calm head. When I asked her if the Polish guy had even asked if she had a boyfriend, she said yes, and she exclaimed that the Polish guy even described the beautiful scenery of Europe vividly to her and strongly persuaded her to come with him. (Of course, My girlfriend kindly refused him)

Moreover, the Polish guy harassed my girlfriend by rubbing her back while talking.

IF I were there, I promise The Polish guy would know who the boss is.
IF I were there, I promise The Polish guy would know which country is more beautiful.

To all female readers….. please watch out of strangers and keep away from them because most of them especially the above Polish’ case are categorized as 3 F. Flirt, Fuck and Finish.

To all my responsible brothers. I strongly oppose 3 F and so I hope if you have a girlfriend, cherish them, and protect them.

Lastly to my dearest girlfriend.
My whole heart is with you. I’m very regret that I couldn’t be with you when you are in need and to fulfill the responsibilities of what a boyfriend should do. Throughout these few months of not being with you physically, my affection to you do not fall yet grows daily. I thank god for giving a chance for me to sense your importance in my heart. I cannot protect you always and so I’m very anxious of your safety when you went out. You are my girlfriend and should be a duty of me to take the bullet from you anywhere, any time.
Tears are falling as soon as I mentioned of my duty not being fully performed.
However, the outside world is not as bad, as cruel as you’d imagine. Therefore Courage is your best friend you ought to befriend with.
Stepping out of your comfort zone is like a few steps away from reaching success. Good girl, you are doing well. I love you.


Eening said...

I dropped a tear in the ocean, the day you find it is the day i'll stop missing you...Ko Ko, i love you too..(^_^)..

Don't worry, i'm strong and brave..i was shocked but it's alright now..haha..but one thing you're right!I'm angry that you're not here by my,faster come back!Lolz...

pinkrollingstone said...

that guy is an ass. No brain too* :/

Thank goodness nothing bad happen*

girl, carry your keys and poke the guy if he gets any further!