Sunday, November 4, 2007

Welcome Aaron

Let us make a round of applause to welcome the one and only --- Aaron Leong

(with Massive wave of Thunders of clapping hands set in the background) my 1st nephew to the planet called mother earth!

Aaron was safely delivered at 6.05pm , on 1st of November 2007 at Auckland Hospital. His birth weight was 3.65kg. After more than 10 months of anticipation and long wait, both the baby and mum have made it safely.

Aaron's mama is going to discharge from the hospital today at 6pm, and i wish both Aaron and my sister Doris arrive home safely with a delighted heart!

Heres the fable story uncle Leslie would like to cite to u Aaron....

Once upon a time there was a poor monk who lived beside an extravagant businessman. The business man was filthy rich and had feast every night. Every day after the feast had ended, there were plenty of food left but the Rich man ordered his maids to chuck the leftovers into the drain.

Instead of waiting for the food to rot and produce heavy stench, poor monk went to collect the rice from the drain into the sac, washed the rice, dried the rice and kept the dried rice . Day by day, night by night, the feast had grown smaller and smaller and until one day all the maids were gone, and the Rich man was no longer rich. On the flip side, the poor monk was no longer poor and instead he owned a storeroom to keep all the dried rice.

I have no idea why i cited this horrible fable story to you aaron, but i hope this is going to be a good start to your critical thinking hehehehe....

Some questions from this story:

1. Why did the monk collect the rice instead of the meat?

2. Is it feasible to collect the rice that way?

3. What is the main moral of the story?

These are the answers for my previous questions:

1. I guess monks dont eat meat gua... not sure if got vege they collect or not...

2. I always want to make an experiment to validate this statement but due to hygeinic and food handling safety reason, i will instead try that on Survivor programme if i were to be chosen as the candidate.

3. This is the hardest question of all, theres no moral paragraph stated after the story when i read last time leh... But my best guess is that dont be a rich man , be a poor monk instead @@

Ok laa... Dear all, hang in there as exam times are almost over.

To my Beloved Ning, Love you always..


1 comment:

pinkrollingstone said...

oh man! he is so adorable and tiny! :DDDD