Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Yo this is leslie aka Lezzlie !

I love reading blog and i did try a bit of bloggin in various places like msn/window live messenger , friendster, but i think their service were pretty lame and slow thats why i decided to try on blogspot instead.

Today im going to blog about the PUMPKIN case which was still a hot topic now. For ppz that do not know wat the egg im talking about, heres the summary of the news:
A 3 year old chinese girl was abandoned in Melbourne airport by her Father (50) before heading to L.A. The chinese girl's mum went missing even before the abandoned case. The lil girl was named pumpkin by the authority as she was wearing the Pumpkin Patch- a famous NZ ( or Ozzie??) baby brand clothing.

What struck me most is that there was a footage that showed the Father bent down and talked to the pumpkin for a few seconds before walking straight off without turning the head and left the lonely child cried miserably at spot, at a total UnFamiliar place!

The father is a martial art teacher/expert ( taichiquan) and he was a tutor in AUT ( auckland university of technology) teaching some sh*t. According to the news, his house was full of his pictures and he was perceived as either a narsassistic or self-proclaimed ultra important individual. Whereas the lady of mistery is a 27 year old chinese lady ( quite pretty oo) and was residing under one roof with the male in Mt roskill, Auckland, NZ before the incident. According to their close friends, students, and the neighbours the male was a total tyrant in running the household. The lady of mystery is apparently his 2nd wife.

Speculations and rumours have spreaded and created not only an uproar to the chinese society of NZ but also the nation as a whole. I speculated that the man might have committed homocide and buried the body and hence explaining the missing of the lady part. According to reliable source ( from my sister la haha) actually theres no bond between the man and the wife as it was a political marriage, and they might have devorced right before the Pumpkin case and the lady of mystery held the custody of the pumpkin.

If thats the case, it should be a reasonably well explanation that the husband might have killed the wife and planned to abandon the baby in Melbourne, before fleeing to L.A and vanish himself in the midst of the case.

I was totally disgusted by the father's act as another footage of him being interviewed was shown on TV today. In the interview which dated maybe few years back, was him crying and talking in tears while expressing his deepest regret upon losing his daughter from his 1st marriage. According to the best friend of the 1st wife, the daughter was ignored and abused sometimes . Pushing and shoving the girl to the corner was the lightest punishment she had received. Apparently he classified himself as a traditional men of chinese society and its a norm that its not close between parents and children.

You be the judge. It is totally unacceptable and i think FBI, SWAT, NCIS, CSI, Internal affairs, LA police, CIA, AL-Qaeda should step into the case and should launch a man hunt, dead or alive...
For more info go to http://abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/09/18/2036376.htm?section=australia
In short, baby is now in Melbourne
Father in LA
Mother: Missing, possibly in nz.
Anyway.... for those who have read til here ... BRAVO... well i guess its quite uncommon to have a long talk in the 1st blog hahha.

Cheerio guyz!

1 comment:

-lynn- said...

a rather serious first post too! waaaaahhhhhhhhhh....